Who We Are

Apepts Welfare Association is founded on the revelation of the 3rd (Third day) restoration. Its main objective is to Restore, Equip and Establish God’s people through social welfare and development programs and trainings to enhance quality productivity and operations for the benefit of all.


Building up a people prepared in Kenya, East Africa
community and beyond.


To establish social welfare networks and linkages through tripartite patterns that will create revenue collection base for our respective government, by promoting producers and service providers.

Nyumba Kumi na Mbili

1 Cell =12 members
1 Unit= 12 Cells
1 Branch= 12 Units
1 Area= 12 Branches
1 Region = 12 Areas

Who we are not

            • Not a religion
            • Not a political party
            • Not a social club
            • Not a pyramid scheme
            • Not a financial institution
            • Not a tribal or racial group
            • Not a cult.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe in the supremacy of God who exists in Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit), and that through His word he created heaven and earth and everything in it. We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ who existed in the flesh, died and resurrected on the third day as the scripture says. We believe in water and Holy Spirit baptism and the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the building up of the body of Christ. We believe in sharing the love of God to every soul till we all reach the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, attaining to the whole stature of the fullness of Christ We do everything for the glory of God.


  • Are you a minister in the body of Christ and or the Kingdom of God?
  • Are you a business person and or in any formal employment?
  • Are you a registered group envisioned to change lives?
  • Are you a widow, orphan, senior citizen or person living with disability?
  • Are you a man, woman or youth of good will?

Then you are invited to join us by becoming a member of APEPTS Welfare Association, “till we all grow to the unity of faith…”


1. Shareholding
2. Dividends
3. Monthly subscriptions
4. Interest free loans
5. Elderly benefits
6. Widow’s & Orphan’s benefits

7. PLD’s benefit
8. Education and training
9. Personal and community development
10. Member’s social Welfare
11. Leadership development
12. Employment opportunity

Leadership Development

  • Every member must be under a Cell leader
  • Every Cell must be under a Unit leader
  • Every Unit must be under a Branch coordinator
  • Every Branch must be under an Area leader
  • Every Area must be under a Regional leader


  • Individual member registration is Ksh 1,200, with a monthly subscription of Ksh 240 per month payable on or before 12th day of every month.
  • Group registration is Ksh 3,600 with monthly subscription of Ksh 720 per month payable on or before 12th day of every month.
  • One Share is Ksh 1,000.
  • Minimum shares for loan application is 5 while 72 days after purchase of 5 shares is the qualification period.
  • Interest FREE Loan is x3 (individual) andnx5(group) number of shares, while dividends are 7-12% per annum.
  • Security for loan is personal/group shares, and grace period to start loan payment is 45 days.
  • Elderly benefits is 65 years plus and individual widow’s benefit is 60 years plus.
  • Orphan’s benefit is 21 years and below, while PLDs depends with the intensity of disability.